Barony Beach new look

jeudi 26 novembre 2015

The first two buildings of renovations are now complete at Barony Beach Club in Hilton Head. Two more buildings are scheduled to be done before Christmas. The rest will be done next fall.

The look is actually quite nice. Very clean and tasteful. Really like the large print of the Hilton Head lighthouse in the living area... adds something unique.

At first glance, I was taken back by the "plastic/laminate" dining room table. But I've actually decided it was a very wise choice. Easy to wash and maintain and will be able to standup to the heavy use.

The second bathroom, in many ways, is nicer than the master. Stunning tile and shelving!

One very minor comment about the master bathroom. The shower room is big. The towel rack is on the wall opposite from the shower (a long way fro the shower when you are wet). There is no place to hang a towel next to the shower. A small hook beside the shower door would be nice.

Again, very impressed.

I've submitted photos to the review side of TUG. Hope this link works for others:

Barony Beach new look

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