new to this forum, and new to that kind of practise...

lundi 30 novembre 2015


Thank you everyone who tried to help, explain, advised and support me in my situation described in the thread

I would appreciate one more explanation - why moderators here deleted about a page of comments, my 3 posts, and as an excuse they post comment that they did not see answer to their question. I thought this is quite objective and neutral place to discuss that kind of problems. I saw that some people started using that thread to express their opinions on a bit different subject but deleting my direct answer to your question and then writing you did not get the answer ?

Please don't say it wasn't there. It was even corrected by moderators (probably you) because I wrote one a bit inappropriate sentence so that sentence was deleted, and I apologized for that realizing my wrong behavior.

Or maybe it was because to many people actually were supporting Ron's idea ?

Or maybe because I wrote one post (deleted now) where I explained how I plan vacation, how I do it in a quick wise way, why I don't think timeshare is a good thing for me or anyone I know. And I defended myself and showed how this last post there (it is last now) is completely pointless and is about nothing real.

I'm sorry. I'm having a problem with understanding that
Can anyone educate me here ?


new to this forum, and new to that kind of practise...

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