Monarch MF's Discussion

mardi 24 novembre 2015

Moderator Note: This was posted by l0410z in the MF's Sticky thread and is being copied here for discussion related to the questions raised.


$1202.59 Total

This is a $183.17 - Increase or 15.23 percent. To be fair, 150.00 of the increase is for the reserve fund. Without this the increase would be 2.7 percent.

During the owners meeting this summer, two major projects were discussed. The first was the replacement off all the windows and terrace door .. a by product of being so close to the ocean. The second project was the replacement of the front doors to get up to new updated fire code.

I guess now that I turned 60, I both understand and appreciate the need to fix worn parts. This being said... still hurts a little.

Monarch MF's Discussion

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