Travel Industry Elbows Its Way Into the Hot-Deal Conversation

mercredi 25 novembre 2015

Travel Industry Elbows Its Way Into the Hot-Deal Conversation - by Harriet Baskas/ Business/ Travel/ NBC News/

" Travel purveyors are doing their best to ensure that turkey, "Star Wars" toys and 50-inch TVs aren't the only things that have consumers licking their chops this week. Companies are dangling all sorts of hot deals on adventures and vacations to remind shoppers that the launch of the holiday shopping season isn't just about things.

Studies have shown that travel is increasingly high on shoppers' "want" lists, so it's only logical that the industry would want to get in on the Black Friday, Cyber Monday action, said Sarah Gavin, a spokeswoman for"


Travel Industry Elbows Its Way Into the Hot-Deal Conversation

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