Worldmark Palm Springs reneges on Sales Presentation $100 Gift Card

lundi 9 novembre 2015

I checked in at Worldmark Palm Springs at 10:45 am and guy named "Dave" offered me $100 gift card to do an Owner Update 60 minute presentation. See photo below of the gift slip. Then 6 hours after I checked in, I get a phone call from a Melinda saying they cannot give me a $100 gift card unless my wife is with me, so they can only give me $50. And they also said I could not go to my scheduled 8:30 presentation because the 8:30 time slot is for Married couples only and Single occupants like me have to do the 11:45 slot. WM Indio also has also done stuff like that before, it is like they are discriminating against people who are Single or who are married but always travel alone.

I called to complain to WM Owner Care and they were very shocked about what happened and were going to file complaint with Sales Dept about Palm Springs, and owner care said they will credit me for my stay and are sending me a certificate for a free night stay at any worldmark.

Here is a copy of the Presentation Gift receipt. It speaks for itself.

Worldmark Palm Springs reneges on Sales Presentation $100 Gift Card

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