New StarOptions balances page on MSC

lundi 21 décembre 2015

I just noticed that the StarOptions balances page has gotten a significant facelift. It now shows the number of StarOptions remaining by year, resort, unit, and lockoff component. Very handy!

The only shortcomings that I notice off hand are:
  1. My fixed VOI doesn't show up at all. It's currently in "unconfirmed reservation" status and doesn't show up in my StarOptions balance. In years past, canceling the reservation has immediately returned the StarOptions. My guess is that doing so would cause it to appear on this screen as well.
  2. There is no indication whether or not Home Resort priority for a particular unit has been lost. This is something that could be of use in cases where an SVN reservation was made and subsequently canceled.

New StarOptions balances page on MSC

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