Problem I had with hotel reservation, thoughts please

mardi 1 décembre 2015

This is a long story. I'm going to try to make it short.

In July I booked our rooms for Italy using 5-night travel packages. I purposely used a certificate from my account for one of the rooms and a certificate from my husband's account for the other reservation. It took several times to get the dates synced with DD's schedule. The final time I changed date on one of the reservations was August. The rep cancelled the reservation from husband's account, made new reservation in my name and took 2 certificates from my account. When she came back and told me what she did I told her that was a problem because I wanted one from mine, and one from his. She said I could get the front desk to correct it when we checked in. In the past I've had reservations changed from one rewards no. to another at the front desk so I let it go.

In Sept. we arrived a day late because of a Lufthansa strike. Then there was the first driving experience in Italy. So glad to arrive at the hotel and see our daughter I forgot to mention the change at checkin. The next morning when it was a difficulty with the breakfasts allotted to the rooms I told the front desk the problem and they were going to work on the change while we ate breakfast. After breakfast they said they couldn't change the rewards nos. on an existing reservation. Another day they connected me with Marriott Rewards in Cork, Ireland (home offices in Europe) and the rep I spoke with said I could get it fixed when back in the States. The front desk seemed fine with this. But on the day we checked out I was told they only had one certificate and nothing for the 2nd room. I assured them there were others in both mine and husband's accounts and offered to log in to show them but they let it go with the understanding that it would be fixed when we got back to the States and could talk with MR. All of this took quite a bit of time while we were at the hotel.

A couple days after checking out we got a voicemail on husband's phone from hotel that they wanted us to call back. I called and asked to speak with GM. Explained what happened and he said he was fine to get back to the States and work on this. I asked him for an email verifying his acceptance of this agreement. He said he would. Once again it was a long conversation, more time on my part to fix something the front desk can do by canceling the one reservation and opening a new one in the other person's name.

6 days later when we were home I still didn't have the promised email from the GM. I called MR and was told it couldn't be changed but was assured the hotel received 2 certificates. Finally I emailed the GM, recounted the entire situation, told him MR said the hotel had 2 certificates, said the incidental charges were on my MR Visa. Asked him to email back letting me know the hotel was satisfied they were compensated for our stay. Instead of an email I received a call from him apologizing that he forgot to email me before and confirmed the hotel was fully satisfied with the compensation. All of this time involved had accumulated into hours on my part. I decided to move on.

Now in November it came time to check MR for the incidental charges to show up in my MR account. When they didn't I again called MR and the rep wanted me to fax the folio to her attention. I did. And then I waited. Weeks later I checked again. Nothing. And I looked at my charge bill. The charges from the hotel did not reflect as a Marriott purchase and therefore no extra 5 points. I called MR again. They would check on the folio but said I needed to talk to Visa about the charge card bill. I asked to speak with Customer Service. They connected me to CS for the hotels.

That rep asked what could he do to make this right. I said make me an offer I can't refuse. He put me on hold. Came back and said it was not their issue. I needed to speak with Owner Services since the certificates came from MVC. I called OS. A rep there took the information. The call was an hour long but by now I was getting accustomed to them. I received another call from another rep and pretty much had to start from scratch because she either didn't read the notes or there weren't any. She said she could see a 25K goodwill adjustment in my account. I told her it was for an entirely different matter and was put there by a MR rep for cleaning "up the mess" from another mistake. She said she would look into it and call back.

I received a voicemail from this latest rep saying she was able to get the points posted to my account (they are) and fix the Visa bill. She said she was willing to double this amount for all the trouble. This will be 5600 points.

Hours on my part. The ball has been dropped repeatedly by different people in the Marriott system. 5600 points. What do you think?

Problem I had with hotel reservation, thoughts please

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