Thank You, TUG!!! Successful Westgate cancellation.

mercredi 23 décembre 2015

After enduring the Westgate Town Center presentation, we asked about foreclosures. The sales manager came back with a 4bed/4bath lockout for about $41k in Building 5800, top floor. This was a week,yearly, floating. Compared to the price they were asking for a 2 bed, it was a steal.

After wasting the first day of our vacation getting everything done, we realized that even though it was a reasonable price (comparatively), it made no sense for us to be buying it as the airfare from home to Florida would negate any savings. We'd rented the unit for way less than the cost of even the maintenance fee, let alone the principal payments.

Thanks to TUG, we found all we needed to cancel. We rescinded within a couple of days. We bought on Nov 27 and sent the certified rescission letter on Dec. 4. Today we received the official cancellation letter. We never received a phone call or letter from any of the sales team trying to get us to change our mind.

I think I've read almost every post about Westgate, but I've not found what needs to be included in the return of the portfolio and tablet. The contract isn't specific as to what should be included other than "the Owners Kit excluding the Public Offering Statement." We've never opened the tablet as I have much better ones, but as to the portfolio, do they get back the copies of paperwork that were in the hidden compartment and the CD? They gave us some cruise gift cards, which we'll return in the portfolio. I don't want to pay to return the Interval catalog, although I will if necessary.

We also fell for the "travel agent" pitch. I've found nothing where we can cancel that. If we're only out that $99, I'll consider ourselves lucky.

I can't thank you and your contributors enough for saving us a lot of money! We learned a very valuable lesson. The advice was dead on. I hope everyone who's considering purchasing from Westgate realizes their mistake in time!

Thank You, TUG!!! Successful Westgate cancellation.

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