Bluegreen rep had a hissy fit when I didn't want to go to a new owner's meeting

mardi 15 décembre 2015

I bought 10k BG points thru ebay (sumdayvacations), closing went great, no problems. I booked my first trip, and after checking in, the BG rep said it is 'Highly encouraged' that I attend the new owner's meeting. Since it was a short weekend trip, I didn't feel like it, it seemed to me like they would use the occasion to sell me more stuff.

So I said no, I didn't have time for it, and don't need anything. The young girl rudely said 'Ohhhkay then, have a nice stay'.

My question is - I have no obligation to go to these things, right? Can they mess with my account or points? I thought they don't even know WHERE I bought my points, all they know is that I'm an owner.

Stinkin' rude BG rep!

Bluegreen rep had a hissy fit when I didn't want to go to a new owner's meeting

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