Grande Vista Sales Presentation

mercredi 2 décembre 2015

We attended the "owner update" today for a scheduled 75 minutes for $175.00 in Amex gift cards.
We've been to presentations at Marriott, but not in several years. Times have changed. Today was high pressure all the way. It lasted 3 full hours. The final 90 minutes were comprised of me saying no and our original salesperson repeating basically the same pitch to buy more points. Then, in tribute to other schlock resorts, we were forced to endure a final half hour with marketing who offered various other bad deals. You can certainly tell this is no longer the Marriott we bought into in 2004. Our sales woman disparaged most people on TUG, for what that's worth, too. That was our last ever sales presentation no matter what they are offering.
I would add that most of the pitch was also BS, but everyone here already knew that.

Grande Vista Sales Presentation

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