Maui Ocean Club Sales Offer

dimanche 17 janvier 2016

I own 2 deeded weeks purchased as resales at Maui Ocean Club and am considering adding more deeded weeks via the resale market, but a recent offer from a Marriott sales rep has me thinking:
1. My 1 bed ov purchased 2007 to be enrolled in points program valued at 3900 points. The other was purchased in 2011 so does not qualify for the offer.
2. Marriott to sell me 1 deeded week 1 bed ov they have in their resale inventory (14,000.00) valued at another 3900 points
3. Marriott to sell me 4000 points.
Total points would be almost 12,000.
Sales incentive of 300,000 rewards points
Total price for all the above is about 55,000.00
So I get the equivalent of 2 more weeks than I have now plus a bunch of rewards points to use for some great trips.
Thoughts? Should I do it or just buy another 2 weeks resale?

Maui Ocean Club Sales Offer

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