Why waste money on II ?

samedi 16 janvier 2016

OK I hope I can get this discussion going amongst weeks owners without getting accused of advertising.

My best understanding of II fees is that it costs a minimum of $89 to join for a year, and at least $179 for and exchange, for a total of $268

You can join a direct exchange Marriott-to-Marriott exchange website for $2 and pay $12 for a year and arrange one or many exchanges.

The savings is $268 - $14 = $254 at the minimum, and increases by $179 for each additional exchange.

I understand why Tuggers who are looking to trade-up would not be interested in direct exchanges with other owners, because no owner is going to willingly trade-down.

But what I do not understand is why thousands of Marriott-owning Tuggers are not flocking to that kind of savings.

What say you?

Why waste money on II ?

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